Providing training, resources, and networking for those who choose self-employment
Micro-Enterprise is an alternative to traditional employment in which an individual self-employs by creating their own products or services.
PowerUP Micro-Enterprise Program
EngageNC has developed a training program that gives individuals with Autism/IDD and their support networks essential tools and resources to develop their own micro-enterprise from an initial idea to a legal business entity.
In addition to the EngageNC Ventures program, EngageNC offers micro-funding for micro-entrepreneurs who are ready to start their business. To learn more about micro-funding opportunities contact us below.
Photo Credit: Blawesome Farms
Micro-Entrepreneur Network
EngageNC’s network of current and aspiring micro-entrepreneurs convene to share advice, resources, and community. If you are interested in joining EngageNC’s micro-entrepreneur network, contact us.
Photo Credit: King Nobuyoshi Godwin