Improving employment policies and practices to expand job opportunities, impacting the entire state.
EngageNC advocates for policies that expand job opportunities for people with Autism/IDD.
Advocacy has been at the forefront of EngageNC’s mission from its very founding and its impact can be felt across North Carolina.
Meeting the increasing employment needs for adults with Autism/IDD will require significant policy changes for both state government and NGO organizations. EngangeNC advocates at the state and local levels for policies that remove barriers to employment for adults with Autism/IDD.
DSP Advocacy
EngageNC advocates to increase the pay of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who provide continued support to adults with Autism/IDD, including employment support. In 2021, EngageNC worked with the NC DSP Advocacy Network to successfully raise the state minimum wage for DSPs to $15/hour.
Advocacy Work
EngageNC works with other organizations to educate the public, families, and businesses about a multitude of advocacy needs. A representative from EngageNC serves on the following committees, putting forth our voice to create employment for adults with A/IDD:
A. Statewide Supported Living 2/3 Action Team – UNC and NCDHHS
B. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
C. NC Council on Developmental Disabilities Policy Statewide Group
D. NC Olmstead Plan
E. NC Commission on Mental Health Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services MHDDSAS
F. State and Local Consumer and Family Advisory Committees
G. Statewide NC DHHS / Medicaid Stakeholders
H. PHI National Grant for NC EJEC Project – Essential Jobs Essential Community
I. Local Management Entity/Management Care Org. (LME/MCOs)
J. Workforce / Employment events to highlight role of Direct Support Professionals DSPs) in Supported Employment outcomes
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involve in our advocacy efforts, contact us.