Direct Employment by EngageNC
In order to create jobs and show local businesses how advantageous it is to employ adults with Autism/IDD, EngageNC opened its own HANDmeUPs thrift store in 2013. The founders of EngageNC and other parents of adults with Autism/IDD funded and built out a 9,600 sq .ft. thrift store in North Raleigh. The store successfully employs more than fifteen adults with Autism/IDD and increases the financial resources of EngageNC programs. HANDmeUPs also employs two managers and appreciates the wonderful help of many volunteers.
Employees of HANDmeUPs learn skills that they can use to increase their job responsibilities in store operations as well as use these to apply to other workplaces. A number of the staff have been given such responsibilities while others have graduated to other jobs.
HANDmeUPs is pleased to host tours by appointment. To schedule a tour, contact our General Manager at managers@handmeupsthrift.net
To learn more about HANDmeUPs sales, store hours, and donation policies, visit HANDmeUPs’ Facebook Page