Jay Lieberman
Advisory Board Member
Jay was born and raised in Los Angeles and spent his youth watching his parents give back to the community, whether it be his father as a Jewish Big Brother or walking the halls of City of Hope Hospital during the holidays handing out gifts to the underprivileged patients. The seeds of giving and helping were sown early on, and Jay has been trying to emulate them his entire life.
He graduated with a psychology degree from University of California at Irvine and moved on to law school. After graduating, Jay decided to move into a real estate development position in Los Angeles, where he became Chief Operating Officer and spent the next 16 years of his life. This entailed the purchase, development, management, financing, and disposition of multiple asset types throughout the U.S.
From there, Jay moved on, opening his own real estate brokerage and law firm handing commercial and residential purchase, sale, and lease transactions. Ever since, he has been happy as a clam.
He co-founded a giving group that operated for over five years, providing 100% direct funding from members of the group to various local charity groups within a segment of Los Angeles. Additionally, Jay served as a board director for a youth sports league, including serving as co-chair of a special needs sports program, for over 10 years. Moreover, Jay has served on various school board, religious and local real estate association boards, and committees over the years, all in attempts to give back to his community, which he learned as a kid.
Jay recently relocated to NC with his wife to continue to grow his real estate business, as well as to be close to his two daughters who live nearby.
Jay is a former Board Member of Engage-NC.