Anna Cunningham
Founder Emeritus & Advisory Board Member
Anna has made a positive difference in lives of many people with disabilities for over 20 years. She has been a consultant, speaker, advocate and community volunteer in New York, Texas, and North Carolina. She dedicated her life to finding targeted solutions to help her family and others in the arenas of special needs, education choice, life transition issues, inclusionary practices, autism treatment & interventions, housing choice, employment, accessibility issues, technology opportunities, asset development strategies, etc. As a parent of daughter who has autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities, she has experienced firsthand the barriers and challenges people with disabilities and their families encounter.
Among many other organizations, Anna has served as an IDD Family Representative on the Alliance Consumer and Family Advisory Committee, representing Wake County in the Alliance LME-MCO region that covers Durham, Wake, Cumberland, & Johnston counties; the State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee; The NC Council on Developmental Disabilities; and previously as a Board Member of The Arc of Wake County and as The Autism Society of NC Representative Board Member on the Life Plan Trust.
Anna is a co-founder of The Power of the Dream, Inc. and is a former Board Member of Engage-NC.
She received her B.S. in Industrial Distribution from the School of Engineering and Management, Clarkson University in New York. She continued to educate herself at various universities, training classes, and conferences in the areas of cognitive learning for both gifted/talented & special needs, disability issues, including autism-specific trainings, micro-enterprise (customized self-employment), financial social education, non-profit management and asset development.